After a few weeks of covering fruits that masquerade as vegetables, it's time to go back to a fruit where there's no quibble over what it is, so I've plumped for peaches. No particular reason for my choice, though I do enjoy them regularly, even if they are from a tin - I find chopped, they are a nice addition to porridge.

- Although they originate in China, they have been referred to as "Persian apples" as they made their way into Europe via Persia along the silk routes.
- There are hundreds of varieties of peach and nectarines are not a separate fruit, they are a smooth skinned variety of peach.
- Italy is the 2nd largest producer of peaches in the world. No surprise then that the Bellini - a drink made from peach puree and sparkling wine/champagne - originated in Italy.
- Peaches are good for topping up your intake of Vitamin C and Betacarotene.
- There's only so many time you can have a peach melba, so how else might you serve them? Like a lot of fruits, they make a nice addition to fruit salads and cereal. However, they also work in savoury dishes - think salads and fruity sauces.
- They are a symbol of good luck and longevity.
- Peach juice is thought to be a good moisturiser and often finds its way into cosmetics.
Spiced peach couscous - a side dish with a kick
- Prepare the couscous according to the pack instructions, adding 3tbsp raisins.
- Cook a chopped red onion in a little oil until softened, then add 1 small diced chilli and 1 chopped peach with the skin removed - you can use a third of a can of drained tinned peaches instead. Stir and cook for about a minute.
- Add the couscous to the pan, along with 0.5 tsp each of curry powder, coriander and mint.
- Heat through for a few minutes on a low heat then serve.
Peach soup - a refreshing way to end a meal
- Drain 2 cans of peach slices (reserve half a can) and blend with 175ml pineapple juice and 125ml orange juice until smooth.
- Add 150g natural yoghurt, 75ml dry white wine, 1tbsp lemon juice and 0.25 tsp cinnamon. Blend until smooth.
- Chop the remaining peaches and stir through the soup.
- Chill until it is time to serve then garnish each bowl with a few raspberries.