Monday 29 April 2013

Which Fruit and Vegetables Are Most Contaminated with Pesticides?

There's an inviting apple in the fruit bowl. It's only natural to pick it up and take a bite. However, if it's not organic, by failing to wash an apple, you might be unnecessarily exposing yourself to extra pesticide residues. A report published in the last week by the US Environmental Working Group highlighted apples as the number one offender when it comes to pesticide residues. Celery, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers and grapes were also in the top five. These results were compiled after testing 28,000 samples of the 48 most commonly consumed fruit and vegetables; this analysis was conducted by the US Food and Drug Administration and the US Department of Agriculture. As well as the so called "Dirty Dozen" that were identified by this work, those named the "Clean Fifteen" included commonly used onions, sweetcorn, peas, mushrooms and cabbage, though tropical fruits such as pineapple, kiwis, mangos and papaya also came out well.

Admittedly, this research was carried out on the other side of the Atlantic and relates to US produce. However, figures put together by the UK's Pesticide Action Network based on data available from the Government's Pesticide Residues Committee, showed that apples were again the top fruit for contamination; potatoes were ahead of them, which were also listed amongst the Dirty Dozen in the US work. Pears, grapes, strawberries, green beans, tomatoes and cucumbers were additionally shown to be most likely to be contaminated with pesticide residues in the UK.

Beyond the environmental impact of pesticides - soil, water and air pollution occurs, which is potentially hazardous to wildlife - there is also evidence that they are damaging to human health. It is farm workers and those people living close to fields where the crops are sprayed who are at most risk of health problems associated with pesticide use. In these instances, pesticide exposure has been linked to the development of various forms of cancer and damage to the nervous system - though this does depend on the type of pesticide and level of exposure.  There is also a concern that if we consume pesticides on a daily basis from our food, this may also pose a threat to our long-term health. However, although there is as yet very little evidence to demonstrate this is the case, some consumers would rather not take the risk.

It's not practical for many people to switch over to organic produce, but for say those items with the greatest residues, opting for organic versions of these makes most sense. Alternatively, consider growing your own without the use of chemicals; potatoes are very easy to grow and work well in tubs, so even if you don't have any available soil in your garden or yard, they're still a viable crop.  Washing and peeling does remove some of the pesticides present on non-organic produce, but some are found within the flesh, though cooking does help to lower levels of these. If you have children, you might want to be more mindful when it comes to pesticide residues, as they are thought to have a greater impact on smaller bodies and may be processed differently due to a difference in children's metabolism.

However, don't get too alarmed; 70% of the food we eat contains no pesticide residues and there are legal levels set for the maximum amount of residue that can be contained in our food, which is below those considered to pose a risk. There's certainly no reason why we should stop eating as much fruit and vegetables and indeed many people still need to up their intake. It may however be wise to consider the choices you make with regards to the fruit and veg you choose.

Photo by Christopher Thomas via Wikimedia Commons

Monday 15 April 2013

Price Reductions Increase Fruit and Veg Intake

After more than a decade of driving the message home about the need for us to eat more fruit and veg, with the UK average consumption between two and three potions daily, it hasn't quite had the desired effect. While some people call for even more public education on this and other issues relating to a healthy diet, it's perhaps time to consider another approach - getting the food industry on board to reduce prices. While this is easier said than done, new research indicates that rather than just being a theory, this really does work.

The study involved 151 Dutch shoppers, who were divided into four groups. One group were given half price vouchers that could be spent on fresh, tinned or frozen fruit and vegetables, while another was provided with healthy recipe books and telephone advice from a dietitian. A third group was offered both of the former and a fourth, neither. Before the start of the study the till receipts were analysed and then again at the one, three and six month point of the study. After six months, those who had received coupons and advice spent around £12 more produce over a fortnight than beforehand, while those who received the vouchers alone spent on average £9 more, but the cookbooks and phone consults made little difference. In terms of how much fruit and veg were actually consumed, 60% of those using the vouchers ate the recommended number of portions, compared to 42% at the start of the research. This confirms that nutrition advice alone is not sufficient to increase purchasing and consumption of fruit and veg and that financial incentives may help; this would likely make most difference to those with limited incomes in countries where prices are high.

If supermarkets can reduce the price of chocolate, crisps and fizzy drinks, offering them at a discount regularly, why can't they do this to the same extent with fruit and veg?

Photo by Hendrike via Wikimedia Commons

Sunday 7 April 2013

At last, it's time to get growing...

After contemplating growing some veg for a number of years and never getting further than herbs on the windowsill, we're finally taking the plunge. Perhaps it's the slightly warmer weather this week that has spurred us on, but we now have the frame for a raised bed ready to go in place; though unfortunately I can't take any credit for its construction. It will certainly be a good use for the compost that is currently trying to escape from our composter, it's that full. Admittedly this year it's just an experiment and we probably won’t be giving Tom and Barbara from “The Good Life” a run for their money, but we’re looking forward to using our own produce. As the weather hasn't been on our side and we've perhaps left it a little late, we're off to a local nursery this week to buy some plants; hopefully next year we can start from scratch using seeds and possibly we will this time round with the lettuce. Obviously it does depend on what we can buy, but we're hoping to enjoy peas, runner beans, broccoli and spinach.

I'll keep you updated on how we get on and will hopefully share some pictures with you of our crops. I'd certainly be interested to hear about anyone's past experience or progress this year in growing their own.

Photo by Allotmenteer via Wikimedia Commons

Sunday 24 March 2013

An Excuse for Soup

After yet another weekend of cold weather you wouldn't think it was officially spring and that British Summer Time begins next weekend, would you? While many of us are more than ready for warm sunny days, before they finally arrive make the most of the lingering days of what still feels like winter to make some more soups. After all, a bowl of steaming soup never tastes quite as good in summer as it does on a cold autumn or winter's day. Whether you've got veg to use or simply want something to warm you up, get out the soup pan and get chopping!

Any mix goes, but what about some of the following?

Root vegetables
  • Parsnip, apple and ginger
  • Curried parsnip
  • Carrot, tomato and chili
  • Spiced carrot and lentil (with cumin)
  • Carrot, swede and butterbean
  • Swede and butternut squash with paprika
  • Beetroot soup
 Green vegetables
  • Cabbage and cannellini bean
  • Pak choi and ginger
  • Spinach, tomato and basil
  • Broccoli and celery
  • Green bean and sweet potato
  • Pea and mint
Tomato based
  • Tomato, red pepper and chili
  • Roasted tomato and onion with chipotle
  • Tomato and courgette spiced with turmeric
  • Tomato and aubergine with coriander
Happy soup making, but may warm summer days be with us soon!

Photo by gran via Wikimedia Commons

Friday 15 March 2013

Fruit and Veg Consumption May Help to Beat Your Genes

The link between eating plenty of fruit and vegetables and having a lower risk of developing heart disease is widely appreciated. However, new research by a team at McGill University in Canada has found that a diet rich in these may help to offset the increased risk of the disease bestowed on us by certain gene variations. Greatest benefits appear to be conferred when more raw vegetables and berries were consumed.

The study, which was published in the Public Library of Science Medicine, investigated which dietary factors could improve someone's chances of avoiding heart disease despite possessing genes that would make them more susceptible. Four different variations within one particular chromosome were investigated in this study, which compared 3820 subjects who had experienced a non-fatal heart attack with 4294 subjects who were free from heart disease; these participants were from a range of five ethnic groups. Two issues were investigated; firstly how each of these variations influenced heart disease risk and how this was affected by factors such as diet, exercise and smoking habits. Dietary intake was determined by use of a food frequency questionnaire to find out how often particular groups of foods were eaten.

Although the particular genetic variation possessed by someone determined their risk of developing heart disease, irrespective of their variation the greater someone's intake of fruit and vegetables the lower their risk. The researchers concluded that this adds further weight to the importance of eating five portions of fruit and vegetables daily. While the study didn't investigate the mechanism for the protective effect of the fruit and vegetables, their content of antioxidants, folate, potassium and fibre is known to be beneficial. Raw vegetables may provide additional benefits, as water soluble vitamins such as vitamin C and folate are lost to a degree through cooking, while berries are well-known for their high antioxidant content.

Photo by Ted O-Rama from Southern California, USA via Wikimedia Commons

Friday 8 March 2013

Keeping Fruit and Veg Out of the Bin

Following on from the last post about waste fruit and veg, how do you use up yours when it isn't looking quite as perky as it was when you put it in your basket? Then, what about the leftovers from your dinner last night? We've all made the mistake of cooking too much pasta sauce or broccoli; there's no reason why those should find their way into the bin.

You might already have a whole host of tricks up your sleeve for how to prevent your fruit and veg going to waste - do share - but if not, here are a few ideas to get you going:

From the fruit bowl:
Bananas - whizz up a smoothie; peel and freeze to make a banana lolly; bake a banana loaf or muffins; add them to a curry; turn them into a soup (though this last one might sound bizarre, in the Caribbean they make a creamy soup with bananas added to chicken stock and peppers).
Apples - core, stuff with raisins and oven-cook to make baked apple; turn them into an apple sauce to accompany ice cream or savoury dishes; add to a root vegetable soup to give extra sweetness; chop into a pork or chicken casserole along with the veg.
Pears - stew with ginger, cloves and cinnamon; poach and serve with chocolate sauce or vanilla ice cream; roast with chopped butternut squash, onions and sage; make into chutney.
Oranges - peel and freeze segments to act as ice cubes; squeeze for juice; try your hand at making marmalade; make orange sorbet and serve in the skins; don't forget to zest the skin for use in baking.
Berries - blitz into a sauce to serve with ice cream, pancakes or to dip sliced apples or pears into; use with apple to make a crumble; freeze to add to cold drinks; add to muffins; stir through fromage frais with crushed meringue to make a lower fat version of Eton mess.

These are probably the most popular fruits that you'll use, but how would you use up your leftover kiwis, plums or apricots?

From the salad drawer:
Ok, perhaps not the most appealing, but lettuce - add it to a soup or smoothie.
Tomatoes - make into a pasta sauce or salsa; add to casseroles, soups, chili and curries; roast with onions, peppers, courgette and aubergines.
Cucumber - give pickling, raita or tzatziki a go.
Peppers - turn into a soup with tomatoes and chili; make a peperonata sauce to go with pasta; add them to any dish that comes with a sauce; slice and freeze to add to a meal at a later date.
Celery - once it's lost its crunch add to soups and stews or roast with other veg.

Any more ideas?

From the veg basket:
Carrots - make a mash with a combination of other root veg; add to whatever soup takes your fancy; if you have a juicer, there's your answer; the old favourite of carrot cake.
Other root veg - soups, stews and mash all the way.
Cabbage - if soup or cabbage parcels don't appeal, then bubble and squeak might be your best bet.
Broccoli - add the stalks to soups and stews; the florets work well in stir fries, omelets or in pasta dishes; serve with cauliflower and a cheese sauce.
Green beans, mini sweetcorn, mangetout - add them to a stir fry or if in doubt, a soup it is.

From the dinner table:
Tomato-based pasta sauces - the perfect base for soups and stews.
Root veg - dry fry with chopped bacon and serve with some green veg or a salad; alternatively the soup pan is calling again.
Peas and sweetcorn - stir through rice as a side dish or add some protein to make it the main event.
Green veg - similar idea with the bacon as per the root veg, but serve with some carbohydrate for a balanced meal.

Not sure what to do with your dinner table leftovers? You can't go wrong by adding veg to a soup or stew.

Image by jules/stone soup (carrot soup) via Wikimedia Commons