Sunday, 9 December 2012

In the spotlight - Parsnips

I always think parsnips are a bit like Marmite; people either like them or they don't. That said parsnips have grown on me over the years. I remember as a child always being bitterly disappointed when I bit into what I thought was a roast potato, only to find there was parsnip lurking under the crispy exterior. However, I now enjoy parsnips mashed with other root veg or in a soup - they combine well with ginger and apple.

Although parsnips are often thought of a starchy vegetable, a lot of the starch they once contained has already been converted to sugars by the time they reach our plate, which is why they taste sweet. Sometimes people choose to replace potatoes with parsnips, thinking they are a lower calorie option, though there is very little difference in their calorie content; parsnips are however higher in fibre. Parsnips have a very high glycaemic index - a measure of how quickly they raise blood sugars - so tend to be given a wide berth by anyone following a low glycaemic diet - usually to aid weight loss or to control blood sugar levels in diabetes. Regarding their vitamin and mineral content, parsnips are a good source of Vitamin C, folate and manganese - the latter forms part of enzymes which speed up reactions within the body and it also plays a role in maintaining bone health.

Besides roasting, mashing and turning them into a soup, how else can parsnips be used? Parsnips soak up flavours very well, so make a good addition to a curry. Equally they can be added to stews and casseroles; you might decide to slice them to top a hot pot or as an alternative topping for a cottage pie. Root veg crisps are becoming popular, so you could try to make your own from parsnips, carrots and beetroot. Apparently they can also be used to make bread and in baking.

Check out these ideas for using parsnips:

Photo by AlbertCahalan

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